To make your Ring doorbell ring inside the house, you need to find out whether your Ring doorbell is battery-powered or hardwired. Hardwired means that it is connected to your home supply through internal wires. For battery-powered Ring doorbells, a separate doorbell chime kit needs to be purchased. Whereas for hardwired doorbells, you only need to set it up in the Ring App.

Steps to Make Your Ring doorbell ring inside the house

Determine the power source of your Ring doorbellAction to be taken for a battery-powered Ring doorbellAction to be taken for a hardwired Ring doorbell

Determine the Power Source of Your Ring Doorbell

If the notification that you get on your phone every time someone presses the button is not enough and you want to be able to hear your Ring doorbell inside your house, you’ll need to check what its power source is. It’s a crucial step because it sets some significant restrictions on your available options. You can do so by searching your Ring doorbell model on google. The list of all Ring doorbell models along with their power source is given below:

  Battery Powered Ring Doorbells                            

Video Doorbell 4                                   Video Doorbell 3Video Doorbell (2020 Release)

  Hardwired Ring Doorbells

Video Doorbell WiredVideo Doorbell Pro 2Video Doorbell ProVideo Doorbell Elite

 Action to be Taken for a Battery-powered Doorbell

  Battery-powered Ring doorbell has a limited source of power which limits some of their functions. If your Ring doorbell runs completely on a battery or you don’t have an option to make it hardwired, you are going to need to install Ring Chime or Ring Chime Pro. Once the installation is done, set up the whichever chime you have installed in the Ring App and connect it to your wi-fi. Once done with all this, your doorbell will send a notification to your cellphone as well as to the chime you have installed whenever the button is pressed.

Action to be Taken for a Hardwired Ring Doorbell

 If your Ring doorbell is hardwired, you only have to set it up in the Ring app and then connect it to your Wi-Fi network. After your Ring doorbell has connected to the Wi-Fi, it will take about 15 minutes to update. Once the update is done, your Ring doorbell is ready to ring both inside and outside your house every time the button is pressed.

Note:-  Video Doorbell Wired which is, though, hardwired but only rings inside when connected with Ring Chime or Ring Chime Pro.

Possible Reasons Why Your Hardwired Ring Doorbell is Not Ringing Inside your House

Your hardwired Ring doorbell will not ring your internal chime if:

It hasn’t been set up in the Ring app.

lt is not connected to wifi. It is not wired properly to your internal chime. Its battery is not fully charged. Its transformer is broken down. It is not compatible with the internal chime you are using.


Making your Ring doorbell ring inside your house by yourself, without prior knowledge of what you are doing, can be challenging. But If you have all the information you are going to need in one place, half of the work is already done. By following the above mention steps, you will be able to achieve your goal of making your Ring doorbell chime inside your house. Additionally, you will also get to learn a few things about the technology which you can share with others. 

Why doesn’t the battery powered Ring doorbell ring the internal chime?

Your battery-powered Ring doorbell has to perform many tasks without including ringing your internal chime. Since it has limited battery life, it can only perform the necessary actions that allow its battery to run for a long time without having to charge it again and again.

Which one is best for me, the battery-powered or hardwired?

Battery-powered Ring doorbells only send notifications to your phone whereas hardwired ones also ring your internal chime in addition to sending notifications to your phone. Furthermore, a hardwired Ring doorbell comes with an additional benefit: since it mostly runs on electricity, you don’t have to charge its battery. Have your Pick.

Does Ring make the best home security products?

Ring could be the best company if you’re looking for simple, affordable and easy-to-use home security appliances. U.S. News A World Report has given it 3.8 out of 5 stars They have also ranked it between # 2-5 in different categories like  Best Home Security Systems of 2022,  Most Affordable Home Security System, etc.