Unfollowing someone on Instagram can be easy if you know how to do it properly. Here are some reasons for why this is necessary or helpful for your account

Why you should unfollow someone on Instagram

  1. You don’t want to look like a stalker: If someone tags you in a photo that you don’t agree with, or if they tag you in a photo using the hashtag #fakenews, it’s best not to follow them any further.

  2. You want to create room for more personal posts: When someone is constantly following and unfollowing you, it can be an annoyance. By unfollowing them on Instagram, you’re removing this person from your account and giving yourself more room for personal posts.

  3. They might not be worth following: If someone has only followed you because they found out that your username matches your name and they think that might add some cool points to their feed, then chances are this person isn’t worth following on Instagram.

  4. They might be fake accounts: Instagram is filled with fake accounts these days so it’s better to be cautious than sorry and make sure that the people who are following you actually follow what your account is about before adding them back into your follower count.

  5. They might be spam accounts: Do your research before adding anyone back into your follower list as spam accounts can have negative effects on your account and followers alike!

How to unfollow someone on Instagram

  1. You want to unfollow someone on Instagram and retain your privacy

  2. You want to unfollow someone on Instagram who posts too much in a specific category, like food or fashion

  3. You’re following an account you don’t care about any longer and don’t want to see their posts anymore

  4. Someone posted a photo of you that you didn’t know was public and you no longer want it on your feed

  5. Someone posted a hateful comment about you and you don’t want it to be seen by anyone else

  6. There’s someone posting photos of your brand/products without permission

What to do if someone follows you back after unfollowing them

This is a tricky situation, but the most effective way to handle it is to always be on your best behavior. If someone follows you back after unfollowing them, don’t follow them back. You can still keep in touch with them by liking their photos and commenting on their photos, but don’t follow them back. After a few days or weeks, you can try to re-follow them if you want, but this will depend on how much time has passed since the original unfollowing. This will make sure that they never get the wrong idea that you’re trying to follow them again.

If someone follows you back after unfollowing them and you want to give it another shot, let’s say in six months or so, then go ahead and re-follow them. Then send a private message just like before telling them why you unfollowed and telling them that they followed you back. This will show that they’re not following you out of pure curiosity and can give the impression that they’re interested in talking with you again as well as showing that they have good manners!


If you want to unfollow someone on Instagram, you can do it in a number of ways.You can unfollow the person by swiping left on their username. You can also send them a private message. Or you can block them from messaging you on Instagram.

If you want to unfollow someone but they follow you back, you will have to report them for spamming and then block them. If they continue to follow you and send you messages, you will need to report them for spamming again.If someone follows you and sends you a message, but that person is not in your following list, then you will need to unfollow them first.

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